




: Tim Walz fixed your bicycle…

: Went to see Megalopolis yesterday, it is a simply awful film and close to unwatchable. Avoid at all …

: Happy Equinox to those who celebrate ☀️🌎


: Finally updated my phone to iOS 18 and immediately started sending RCS messages.

: Olive, red onion, and fresh oregano 🍕

: Trying the new version of Reeder, which is much closer to Iconfactory’s Tapestry app in …


: Geneva State Park, Ohio


: Chicken pesto 🍕

: And it works! I can now read a “universal timeline” combining my, Mastodon, …

: Trying to get my feed to work in the Tapestry testflight.



: Wrote to my Congressional members and thanked them for endorsing Kamala Harris, I wanted them to …

: Also can we please get the other guy to give up as well?

: Biden should resign effective immediately so that President Harris can run as an incumbent.

: When a fly tries to drown itself in your glass of Rosé there is nothing to be done but fish it out …

: Where is the opinion piece from the Times editorial board saying that Trump is a liar, a criminal, …

: Turkey pepperoni, sautéed shiitake mushrooms and green bell peppers 🍕

: Fontina and mozzarella, will get arugula and prosciutto later 🍕 Spinach and sautéed garlic 🍕

: Artichoke hearts, spinach, and garlic 🍕



: Happy π Day to those who celebrate.


: Peculiar dwarfs…

: Sweet Italian sausage 🍕

: Not enough owls in my timeline.


: Turkey pepperoni 🍕

: Well I’ve already had the horrifying experience of having somebody show up in a Zoom meeting as a …

: Today I learned that Apple Watch Series 2 and later have their serial number printed inside one of …

: Very sad about the helicopter.

: Happy birthday Mac 🎂

: Moved Bluesky to the Home Screen and demoted Slack to a folder on my phone. Still waiting for an …

: What does it take to get a webmention around here?

: Did not order a headset, I think I’m going to wait and get the rumored OLED iPad Pro instead, which …


: So I went and brought a new Apple Watch Series 9, replacing my five year old Series 4, two days …

: Trying to figure out which people to follow on Mastodon and which to follow on Bluesky, as the two …


: Installed the updated Primrose theme and now category pages are working again. Back to normal!

: Noticed that the category pages were not working with Hugo 0.91 when using the Primrose theme, so I …

: Various mushrooms 🍕

: Closed my LinkedIn account.

: Deleting the Prime Video app from all of my devices.

: Things finally seem to be working, I just need to be more careful about messing with the templates.

: OK now just one post has vanished from the web view, both on the main page and the archive. …

: Reinstalled the Primrose theme and the items are back. Success?

: Tried updating to Hugo 0.91 and all the feed items vanished.



: Testing auto-scroll.

: Finally took two minutes to search for a solution to my SwiftUI app crash on macOS when using …

: Having a digital avatar handle all my meetings from now on actually sounds like a pretty good idea.

: ✈️

: Finally!…

: Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson 📚 This book is in part a compilation of the history, ideas, and themes which the author presents in …

: ✈️

: Plain cheese with spicy sauce, same with artichokes, with no sauce, with extra cheese 🍕🍕🍕🍕


: Good news, everybody!

: Sweet Italian sausage 🍕

: Edge

: Fabric

: Intense

: Oof!

: Red

: Statue

: Glowing

: Panic

: Retrospect

: Cycle

: Language

: Yonder

: Panorama

: Well

: Forest

: Orange

: Precious

: Buildup

: Abstract

: This thing where the iOS Trailers app is now part of the TV app is awful. No way to navigate to it, …

: I will continue to offer technical support on social media.

: Last time (years ago) I needed to scan 35mm slides I used a combo flatbed/printer, which is tedious. …

: Hiding out at a coffee shop ☕️

: Still trying to figure out how Bluesky works. There are multiple feed options but I still haven’t …


: Bought a chair 💺

: At “hang out at the Public Market and eat a large lunch” stage of the move.

: Turtles all the way

: Not sure about the September photoblogging challenge…

: At the “hang pictures on the wall” stage of the move 🖼️

: Seems it never rains in Southern California.

: Cleaned out the storage closet 🧹

: I never thought to try this until today, but it turns out you can share a Mac’s wifi connection out …

: A little warm today ☀️

: Panama 66, Balboa Park

: I wasn’t using Threads before it was cool.

: Too much to do and it’s Monday.

: Stone Brewery, Liberty Station

: Still don’t understand coroutines.

: Already at the “just go out and buy it” stage of the move.

: Moving day 1, TV and phone 📺📞


: Too much to do.

: An Immense World by Ed Yong 📚 This is a wonderful book which has taken me far too long to read due to the vagaries of library …

: Here I go again ✈️

: Fennel sausage and roasted fennel 🍕

: There are few problems that can’t be solved by a new Apple Watch band ⌚️

: Today I said “I’m going for a walk as soon as I get out of this meeting” but here I am still at my …

: Fifty years ago…

: Today I learned that HTTP header field names are case insensitive, probably not for the last time.

: Now that X has rebranded can we start using “tweet” as the generic term for a microblog post on any …




: Waiting for the repair shop to call 🚗


: Thunder and lightning 🌩️


: There are few problems which can’t be solved by a 25 foot HDMI cable.

: Time to clean the house 🧹

: Using an LCD video projector for the first time. The video is great, but the only audio output is a …

: Home again🏠

: Humblebrag

: Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway 📚 This is another fast read, an old-fashioned detective story in the vein of Sam Spade, but set in a …

: I need a beer 🍺

: Renewed 1Password for one more year, as long as I can still use version 7 I think I’m stuck.

: On Juneteenth by Annette Gordon-Reed 📚 This is an even shorter book which I added to my library queue last month, written by a Texas-born …



: The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi 📚 This is a very quick read, especially when you are stuck on a cross-country plane trip. I also …


: Fraction of people wearing masks in a crowded airport and full flight is well below one percent.

: I would like to stream all of Ahsoka right now, please.

: Harrow the Ninth and Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir 📚 I read the first book in this series (Gideon the Ninth) some time ago, and actually read the second …

: ⚫️


: Spicy Italian chicken sausage 🍕

: Witch King by Martha Wells 📚 Everybody loves Murderbot, but Martha Wells writes other stories, including this recent novel set in …

: ☀️

: One thing after another.

: Shopping for a simple text editor which will run on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

: Today has all the worst features of Monday and Humpday combined 🐫

: Signed up for, not sure why. Still not on Bluesky and not feeling it for Threads.

: Home again 🏠

: I have successfully forgotten what day it is.

: This is truly the longest of long weekends.

: Pretty much off the grid for the weekend.

: Time to pack for the long weekend 🧳

: Swift and C++ interoperability looks really good.

: Well I finally go to see Asteroid City, which is even more meta than I thought possible.



: It has been a week.


: Time to shop for a new Mastodon instance? I use it to follow, not post (all the posting is here on …

: Not ready for the solstice 🌎☀️

: More about Juneteenth:…

: Juneteenth should be celebrated in this country not just by remembering history but also repairing …

: Well we made it to the movie theater with plenty of time to spare: one week, to be exact. Turns out …

: Off to see Asteroid City 🍿

: Well I finally have to decide if I want to keep my 1Password subscription going for another year or …

: On a jury, trial starting today.

: Sitting in the jury pool waiting to see if I get impaneled.

: Completely forgot that I have to report for possible Jury Duty tomorrow.

: Sautéed fennel and plant based sausage 🍕

: Ninth and tenth concerts, chamber music and a chamber opera.

: Seventh and eighth concerts, more vocal music.

: No concert tonight, at the movies for Spiderverse.

: Sixth concert, vocal sound track for a silent film.

: Third, fourth and fifth concerts, chamber and vocal music.

: Second concert, harp and violin sonatas.

: BEMF first concert, Circé.

: Rainy day, perfect for staying home and backing up all the computers 🌧️💻🖥️

: Sautéed mushrooms 🍕

: Feeling under the weather, still not ready for WWDC or pretty much anything.

: Finally downloading the new, sucky Max app. Probably going to cancel my subscription anyway unless …

: Not ready for WWDC.


: Still up the mountain.

: Still in the mountains, but now with WiFi!

: Up in the mountains.

: Time to pack 🧳

: Memorial Day is coming up, and that means peak season for Apple rumors!

: Trying out new software this week…MarsEdit, Mimestream, and Ivory for Mac (finally!).

: All happy dogs are alike; each neurotic dog is neurotic in its own way.

: Sweet Italian sausage 🍕

: Time to clean the house (again) 🧹🏡

: Italian wines are fun 🍷

: Not a fan of the ReactNative redesign of the iOS app.

: People who want to know how long a big software project will take are doomed to disappointment.

: Going bar hopping tonight 🍺

: Fresh out of snapshots to post. Also out of wine 🍷





: Going away for the weekend.

: Comic book day.

: Darn those trees.

: Installing the tool chain on a new laptop. Why was it not installed by IT?


: Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

: Probably not going to a movie tonight 🍿

: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for 🤖

: Ready for Dune part 2.

: Still recovering from Mayday.

: Happy Mayday to those who celebrate! 🌸🌿🌺

: Out like a (very damp) lamb.

: Why do people have so much trouble getting up before dawn to celebrate Mayday? It’s just one …

: Time to clean the house again 🧹🏠

: Considering newsfeed bankruptcy for today.

: Still not caught up from last weekend.

: Playing around with spatial audio.

: Home again 🏠


: Road trip!

: Off early for the weekend trip.

: Not ready for Spring.

: Assessment time, in more ways than one.

: No problem can’t be avoided by spending money on impulse buys.

: Saw Suzume today, it was very much in the tradition of Spirited Away.

: Not ready for Bluesky.

: Knocking off early this afternoon.

: Unseasonably warm ☀️

: So many bugs, so little time 🐞🕐

: Not keeping up.

: Nice day out.

: Time to clean the house 🧹🏠

: Sautéed red onions and sliced salami 🍕

: Too many balls in the air.

: Yesterday was a good day for democracy.


: So here we are in April…


: Breakfast, then art.

: Spending a rainy morning booting up old computers 🖥️

: Off shopping and visiting the art museum.

: Day off work tomorrow which just means that everything has to be finished today.

: I have now reached the point where code commit rules are preventing all commits because the checks …

: 1 - Download Apple Classical on the iPad. 2 - Remember that it’s iPhone only. 3 - Delete Apple …

: Happy to support (and vote for) Elizabeth Warren for another term in the Senate.

: In a sudden fit of optimism I have put the snow shovels back in the garage.


: Planning a weekend trip to…Worcester?


: Sneakernet for the win 👟

: Why is local file sharing always such a problem?

: Starting to feel like Spring.

: Code coverage requirements are no substitute for good design.

: Happy Vernal Equinox here in the N. H., and Autumnal for those in the S. ☀️🌎

: Sweet Italian sausage and sautéed onions 🍕




: I’ve been working here for over ten years and today I had to print something for the first time.


: Too many repos.

: Happy π day!

: Stopped at Pavement Coffee this morning and got an Everything Bagel 🥯


: Clocks have been sprung forward 🕰️

: Plain cheese 🍕

: Today I set up ATSC 3.0 on the HDHomeRun box (half a dozen local channels) and Live TV on the Plex …


: My name is Carl and I buy too many Apple Watch bands. Also, does anybody have recommendations?

: Salami and kale 🍕

: I’ve been waiting for the Apple Music Classical app to launch, and it’s finally here! …

: Error handling is hard.


: No bugs fixed today.


: Happy to get the Sunlit update which allows me to add descriptions to pictures, still working my way …


: Home again 🏠


: I have refused to delete the (non-functional) Twitterrific from my devices, which made it easy for …


: Off to Maine for a weekend trip, where there is a Winter Storm Watch for all day on Saturday.


: Off to the dentist for cleaning 🦷

: In like a lion 🦁

: Instance ownership should not be left up to wishful thinking.


: Happy to be able to fit in a few more words in my posts without triggering truncation, I have been …


: Too much cake 🎂


: Why does transferring money have to be so complicated? 💸


: Had to go out and scrape the heavy, wet “wintry mix” off the driveway and boy are my arms tired.


: Hiding from the “wintry mix.”

: I have started using the beta version of Mona for reading my Mastodon timeline, it has lots of …


: So many meetings, so little time.


: The point of having a President is that they are just people, not anointed rulers whose authority …


: A fun weekend of doing housework and paying bills 🧹💸


: Off to watch Bugs Bunny cartoons.


: There’s always a schedule conflict somewhere.

: Herb and garlic chicken sausage 🍕


: It’s like mid-March outside and we are still in February ☀️


: Missed posting a photo again yesterday, simply not in the habit yet.

: Back to work, sort of.


: Out of bread flour this morning, so no pizza today.


: Trying to get in a little early spring cleaning 🧹


: Two concerts in two days.


: Missed posting a photo yesterday.

: Waiting for the bus, which is running far behind schedule 🚌


: Slippery invisible frozen slush on the sidewalks this morning—welcome back to New England!


: Homeward bound ✈️


: Last day of vacation.


: Annual Review I’m a little late doing this numbers this year for my third anniversary on January …


: Missing out on the New England deep freeze 🌴


: Today I leaned that you can get a couch with USB ports on at each end 🛋️


: On our way again ✈️


: Not ready for Groundhog Day.


: First time reposting from Mastodon on my blog:…


: Great ad read for on this week’s Rocket podcast.

: Fresh spinach, fresh garlic, and caramelized onions 🍕


: Time for some house cleaning 🧹


: Time for the annual export and backup.


: Interesting article about string theory: Requiem for a string: Charting the rise and fall of a …


: Well I did get my comic book, but not at the place I usually go; the New England Comics store in …


: New comic book day!


: Oh yay, tax forms have started to arrive.


: Waiting for more snow ❄️


: It turns out that the default Mastodon RSS feed does not include boosts.


: Backing up the laptops 💻


: Home again to rain, snow, and freezing slush 🏠


: Heading home ✈️


: Last day of vacation, at least it stopped raining.


: I’m wondering if it’s safe to change my blog’s Hugo version from 0.54 to 0.91. Is …


: Going out for waffles 🧇

: I feel certain that the Dark Skies app would have warned me about this sudden cloudburst.



: Why is CarPlay so slow in the rental car? Completely unusable.


: I haven’t signed in to Twitter for over a month and I’m still upset that they broke access for 3rd …


: Definitely suffering from jet lag today.

: It turns out that one can subscribe to any Mastodon account from an RSS reader: Mastodon and RSS.


: I still miss Twitter.


: Here we go ✈️


: Too many irons in the fire on my last day before vacation.

: I finished playing Gris on the iPad, I’m not very good at this type of game and found parts of it …



: Beer for lunch 🍺


: Took the tree down, still need to pack up the rest of the decorations 🌲


: Back in the office at last, but only a few days before the now-traditional January trip.


: My RSS feeds are flooded with important news items from CES, it must be January.


: Back at work, which means back to the Zoom meetings.


: New Year observed today, last day of the work break.

: In a fit of extreme optimism I have replaced the now non-functional Dark Skies weather app on my …

: Old shoes New shoes

: Ground beef 🍕 Yellow onions and green bell peppers 🍕


: Adventures in Dentistry 🦷


: Wondering if I still have time to fulfill my 2022 resolutions…

: At the museum to look at some Art.

: Waiting for the 3D fish movie to start 🍿

: So many passwords, so little time.

: First day done, eleven to go!

: Happy Saturnalia to those who celebrate 🪐

: Project for next week Moving from 1Password to iCloud Keychain

: Oh, the wind and the rain…

: This morning I was running for the bus and the driver saw me down a side street and kindly stopped …

: Solstice at last, now the long wait for Spring 🌞

: Had to spend most of yesterday being the grumpy old developer who says “I don’t think you did quite …

: I didn’t get to “vote” but not only should that guy not run the bird app, he shouldn’t own it or any …

: Interesting article about attempts to resolve inconsistencies between quantum theory and cosmology …

: Secret Wassail Recipe Ingredients: 6 Oranges (cut in half) 1 Box of White Raisins 1 Box of Cinnamon Sticks 12 oz Silvered …

: Cleaning day 🧹🏠

: Only two weeks until the Dark Sky app stops working, making a valuable spot available on my first …

: At least it’s not snow ☔️

: Ordered four more Covid tests from USPS, available again today.

: This has been a week and it’s not even Friday yet.

: A nice guide to Sonos speakers at The Verge

: With the Discovery Channel takeover at HBO, most of the SF shows I was watching are now gone. Time …

: Home again 🏠

: Well it took a few minutes (and a couple of restarts) to get my phone number moved to the new esim; …

: Finally had time to switch mobile carriers, there were a few delays but it seems to have …

: ✈️


: Time to decorate the tree 🎄

: ☔️

: Planning to switch phone carriers today. Wish me luck!

: Not ready for Monday, or December for that matter.

: Half mushroom and half sausage 🍕

: Time for another attempt to get Time Machine running again on the MacBook.

: The randomly selected Mastodon instance was randomly offline early this morning. Down for …

: Will Friday never arrive?

: Karen Attiah makes a case for sticking with the bird app Washington Post

: Social networks need to prioritize user safety over enabling harassment. Calling harassment “free …

: Fish gotta swim, bird apps gotta devolve into a right wing echo chamber. Washington Post

: I am still watching the local COVID case trend, it seems to have leveled off instead of continuing …

: Running low on motivation and milk, time to go to the grocery store and stock up on both.

: Just made a commitment to support my randomly selected Mastodon instance with an annual Patreon …

: I have been taking part in ritual dance for over forty years now, still going with Newtowne Morris.

: For the moment I plan to retain (but not use) my bird app account. I’m slowly building up my …

: Turkey pepperoni and roasted fennel 🍕

: Interesting update on what is happening back on the bird app:…

: Still seeing rabbits graze on the lawn, and yesterday a whole flock of wild turkeys hunting for …

: Boston Common Frog Pond opens for ice skating today!

: Since challenge prompts are selected randomly, what are the odds that one will be a repeat?

: Trying to quit the bird app cold turkey. Already suffering from withdrawal.

: Is it too late to start working on my novel for NaNoWriMo?

: Twitter is being “managed” like somebody trying to drive a car with a missing tire. Lots of sparks …

: These days social media feels like trying to ride a barrel over Niagara Falls.

: Harvard Square has lost almost all of its funky character, becoming a vast desert of franchise …

: I have been using various models of the aluminum case (“unibody”) MacBook Pro as my sole work …

: Still waiting for the next big thing to arrive before I leave Twitter.

: As colder weather arrives I need to adjust my exercise schedule.

: Every time I feel a bit under the weather there’s a suspicion that it’s COVID.

: I have my Twitter client (Twitterrific of course) set to never display badges, linear timeline, no …

: I spend a lot of time as C++ minister for the junior devs.

: When you are absolutely certain it’s a good idea to ask why.

: The US political system only works when there is a general consensus of support for democracy.

: I was sad to learn that the Mars InSight Lander will be shutting down soon due to power supply …

: Warm Autumn days are a faint echo of Summer.



: I not exempt from posting today if I want to complete the challenge.

: Last night I watched an online interview of author N. K. Jemisin by LeVar Burton, there was a lot of …

: Next week we get to vote on an initiative to remove citizenship requirements for getting a driver’s …

: As we enter the holiday season it’s one feast after another.

: Still trying to figure out Mastodon and how it interoperates with

: Happy Halloween to those who celebrate 🎃


: My iOS development profile vanished for unknown reasons (after updating to iOS 16.1 and Xcode …

: So long, and thanks for all the tweets.

: Behind reading my Twitter feed today, and not sure I really want to catch up.

: Foggy morning 🌫️

: Doctor Who is moving to Disney+? What is happening?

: Happy Ventura update day! 

: Had to mow the lawn again, it has kept growing into the fall 🌱

: More cleaning, more dust.

: Cleaning the house 🏠🧹

: Fixing link errors one module at a time.

: Time to buy more wine 🍷


: It is happening here, again…

: Trying to get back into the work flow after the long weekend.

: Last pond swim of the year.

: Dyer Pond

: Rainy vacation day, but supposed to clear out for the actual weekend.

: Packed up and ready to head out for an extra long weekend.

: Waily, waily, waily.


: Friday will be on Wednesday this week 📅

: Back in the office, but taking the end of the week off.


: The Twisted Ones and The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher 📚 I read the first of these books in installments over the last few weeks, and then the second while …

: Roasted eggplant/turkey pepperoni 🍕

: More fun with Git.

: This sounds like fun

: Watching the Crew-5 launch prep.

: Meetings, meetings, meetings.

: Back in the office, but not quite ready to work yet.




: Time to get organized.


: Windy City 🏙

: Off we go ✈️

: Too many balls in the air 🎱

: Car is inspected 🚗

: Waiting for the asteroid impact 🛰️

: Negative rapid test this morning 🦠

: Trying to deal with student loans, new loan services, and new accounts, in anticipation of partial …

: Octoberfest

: Interesting article in The Atlantic about the politics of diverse casting in genre media: …

: Putting the fans away, thereby ensuring an early fall heat wave.

: First full day of Autumn and it is definitely jeans weather here in New England 👖

: Here comes the equinox ☀️🌎

: I’m thinking I should be running a tanking test of my own 🍺

: Too many bugs 🪳

: Went to concerts by two different chamber music groups this weekend, and both featured pieces by …

: Shopping at IKEA.


: Went to see a live club performance by the Swedish band Kolonien last night, they were great and …

: Trying the T-mobile free Network Pass for a few weeks, using an e-SIM for the first time.

: Probably not warm enough for shorts today 🩳

: Still figuring out iOS 16. I am now using a custom lock screen but need more apps to provide …

: Go go omicron booster 🚀

: Interesting posts about The Rings of Power title sequence:…

: Garlic and black pepper sausage, fresh oregano 🍕

: Finally getting to the laundry 🧺

: I did not order a new iPhone but I did order new AirPods.

: I did not order a new Apple Watch.

: Back in the office 🖥

: Home again 🏠

: Ready for the morning swim.


: Dead bottles.

: Made it to camp.

: Packing up for camp (assuming we get negative rapid tests this afternoon).

: This was not me:…

: I am happy to say that my one-day career as a truck driver is now over.

: Moving day 🚛

: Where has the summer gone? 🕶

: Scrub for the big rocket today 🚀

: The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher 📚 Having read Nettle and Bone recently and enjoyed it greatly, I decided to pick up some other works …

: Where is the line in linear TV?

: Yet another interesting article, this time about the smallpox vaccine: …

: All dev meetings should take place at a beer garden in the banks of a river 🍺

: Another interesting article, this time about dark matter vs MOND:…

: Back to the dentist for cleaning 🦷

: More rain, but still substantially below normal this summer 🌧

: Interesting article about the distant galaxies detected by the space telescope: …

: Have not watched that dragon show, no spoilers please! Liking The Sandman a lot so far.

: Going out for brunch.

: Hot again ☀️

: A long week of waiting for builds which don’t happen.

: Signed back up for Netflix so that I can watch The Sandman. What else did I miss the last few months …

: Feels like it should be Friday by now.

: A little rain at last 🌧

: Having fun with git. And by “fun” I mean too many branches.

: Waiting for the bus 🚌

: I’m not sure I’m ready for the Westworld season finale.

: Roasted green bell peppers, sweet Italian chicken sausage, fresh oregano 🍕

: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik 📚 I greatly enjoyed the author’s Temeraire series of Napoleonic adventures (with dragons), and her …

: Updating the Synology, which requires making sure that none of the computers is trying to back up at …

: Dropping my Glass subscription for now, I’m just not using it.

: Finally some relief from the heat!

: Hoping that the heat wave will finally break tonight ☀️


: Back in the (air conditioned) office again.

: Packing again for the return trip.

: Another day of heat and humidity ☀️

: Off to P-town.

: Time to pack! 🧳

: Fixing the build…

: Another hot day on the way ☀️

: Error handling is hard.

: Planning a cookout.

: Backing up and updating all the computers today.

: Friday at last!

: The family heirloom chests have finally arrived 🚛

: Reading books on my phone again 📖📲

: Finally found the bike helmet and took the bike out today 🚲

: Waiting for the heat wave to break ⛈

: We went to see Marcel the Shell with Shoes On last night, it was not what I was expecting. Clearly I …

: Still a bit hot out ☀️

: Prospect Hill Park

: Taking the day off 🕶

: ➖‼

: ➕?

: ➖?





: ScrollViewProxy is not my friend.

: Left to work laptop at the office, and of course today is the one day I need it at home 💻

: Thank goodness Twitter is back!

: Fresh oregano 🍕

: Time to make the pizza (dough).

: Back at work fighting with the build system 🖥

: Back to work 🖥

: Feels like summer ☀️

: Walking tour of Nubian Square.

: Waiting for the milk 🥛

: On the ferry North Drumlin, Spectacle Island South Drumlin

: Harvard Art Museums

: Created an AppKit version of my SwiftUI app, previously I had been using Catalyst to run the UIKit …

: Breakfast pizza (scallions, cherry tomatoes, sweet chicken sausage, bacon crumbles, fried egg) for …

: Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher 📚 This is a delightful book, a post-modern fairy tale with engaging characters, a tangled plot, and …

: Mass MoCA

: Dinner at Bright Ideas (pale bitter and lime sour), also a taco truck (not shown).

: Lunch at the Bookmill.

: Taking a trip this weekend, but not where we were intending to go.

: Garlic and fennel sausage, roasted bell peppers, fresh oregano 🍕

: Vacation is postponed, and perhaps will be cancelled entirely, due to unchecked Covid spread.

: Had to rip a CD this week, it took a lot more effort than I expected 💿

: Three more days until VACATION!

: Went to yoga today, which was more challenging than I had hoped it would be 🧘🏼

: Beer for lunch 🍺

: Used the last of the Tealuxe Golden Tippy tea this morning. End of an era. ☕️

: Very bad decisions.

: Is it wrong to insta-block any Twitter account which promotes NFTs? If so, I don’t want to be right…

: Hot Italian sausage, sautéed onions, pickled yellow peppers, cooked in the new wood pellet oven 🍕

: All countries should join this treaty, and in particular the US should retire all nuclear weapons …


: How about Apple supports RCS messages but makes them purple? 🔵🟢🟣

: Home again 🏠

: At camp for the weekend 🏕

: I think I need to get another keyboard.

: Still not ready for WWDC.

: Definitely suffering from jet lag, not a hangover.

: Full moon rising from cruising altitude.


: Heading home 🏠

: Thinking about re-subscribing to Netflix for a month so I can watch Sandman.

: Feedly is down for maintenance the next few hours.

: Noumenon by Marina J. Lostetter 📚 Who doesn’t love a fleet of multigenerational interstellar ships? At the beginning of this …

: There’s always more stuff to move.

: Cheney acting as prosecuting attorney.

: Good opening speech from Bennie Thompson.

: Moving day.

: Downsizing is hard.

: Flying to California ✈️

: Downloaded Xcode 14, rebuilt the SwiftUI app, and it works with no changes on iOS 16 simulator!

: Ready to watch the WWDC Keynote on the Studio Display. Let’s see if there are any audio problems…

: Not ready for WWDC.

: After a two year hiatus the Marlboro Morris Ale took place again this past weekend. Newtowne were …


: Done with merges for the week, going for a walk.


: Making travel plans and taking rapid tests.

: June already?

: Cheesesteak pizza (roasted bell pepper, roasted portobello mushroom, chopped tomato, sliced steak) 🍕

: Home again, back to work!



: In Vermont.

: Obi-Wan looks old and tired. I know the feeling.

: Lots of tables in the street in front of restaurants this week.

: Comic book day.

: Is 9:30 AM too early for lunch? Asking for a friend.

: Since it’s Monday I suppose I should go to work sometime this morning.


: Doing laundry and running backups, as usual.

: Still haven’t decided what to do about 1Password. It seems that 1P8 is not in the App Store? Also …

: Alas left my umbrella on the bus ☂️


: I keep trying to concentrate but nothing happens…

: Summer weather is here already ☀️🕶

: Brunch again 🍩☕️

: Nothing scheduled for today.

: Lord Hobo (Life, Red Eyes, 617 IPA, Rye IPA)

: Got my teeth cleaned today, ouch! 🦷

: Too many meetings.

: Work is getting a bit too interesting.

: Back to work again.

: USians, don’t forget to call Mom today.

: Watch out for sharks.

: On the Cape!

: Finally Friday, taking the weekend off.

: BBQ chicken and green onions 🍕

: Not Friday yet, why?

: Time to renew my library card 🪪

: That’s no moon…🌑

: My schedule is starting to get perhaps a little too complicated.

: I started going to the Mayday celebration in Cambridge, MA over 40 years ago; the last two years it …

: Made it to the last concert of the BEMF season last night, after eating oysters, cod cakes, and …

: Strandbeest Evolution 2021

: Two-factor is great until you leave the phone needed to authorize at the office and have to make a …

: Unconquerable Sun by Kate Elliott 📚 I’m not sure what to make of this book, it’s a combination of space opera, court …

: Not ready for Mayday.

: Now following Mastodon accounts from This doesn’t seem to pick up “boosts” and many of …

: Trying to remember where I set up my Mastodon account.

: Now considering closing my Twitter account.

: Home again 🏠


: Packed and (mostly) ready to go.


: I’m taking tomorrow off so today is effectively Friday.

: The Easter Tour 2022

: Early lunch today 🥪

: Sausage and roasted tiger stripe bell pepper 🍕

: The party went well, it wasn’t like old times but much fun was had.

: Cleaning went well and we went out for a very nice dinner on the patio, but then I had to drive half …

: Cleaning up for the party tomorrow 🧹

: Getting a hearing test 👂

: More:

: ⍼…

: Push coming to shove.

: The Spring dance season is approaching a little too rapidly.

: Not enough sleep.

: Got back from my walk (after sitting out a short drizzle midway through) just in time to avoid a big …

: Nothing scheduled for today 🗓

: Friday at last! Now I just need to make it to the end of the day.

: I just deleted all of my old tweets. There were not that many.

: Too many branches.

: Yesterday was extremely spring-like, today April showers 🌧

: Too much going on at once this week.

: Finally have my transit pass back for the commute today 🚊

: Went to a wine bar and a soprano recital last night, living La Vie Bohème. Today: spring cleaning! …

: Went to a wine tasting for the first time in years 🍷

: Finally made it to the new ramen place, it was an experience and the food was great!

: Watched the first episode of Moon Knight last night, it was very confusing 🌙

: Went to a bar to see some friends play old time music 🍺

: Sunny but cold today ☀️

: Today I got to ride on one of the new Red Line trains during the morning commute. It was very nice, …

: Sweet Italian sausage, spinach, and roasted garlic (so many) 🍕

: Dodged some rain showers to see a concert last night, music of C.P.E. Bach.

: Another nice dance yesterday evening, even if we didn’t get to try the new ramen restaurant in …

: Friday at last!

: Rain today ☂️

: New comics day, and for the first time in two years I’m going to stop by New England Comics on the …

: I left the house to go to dance practice last night at 7 PM and it was still light out.

: Today is the most Monday of Mondays.

: Spring at last!

: Finally? Getting rid of passwords:…

: Spring arrives…tomorrow.

: The solution to this problem is obvious: redraw the time zone boundaries. …

: After two days this week commuting to the office I’m staying home today so I can go to yoga again …

: More Spring to come.

: Went to High Street Place this morning and had a breakfast sandwich. Then when I got to the office …

: Back in the office for the first time in two years.

: The Ides of March are come.

: Here comes Spring!

: Happy π Day 🥧

: Spring forward 🕑

: Hot Italian sausage, roasted yellow bell pepper 🍕

: I took my last ride on an MBTA electric trolly bus today, they are taking them all out of service …

: Last evening we went to a dance, one we went to regularly in the before times, it was nice to see …

: Behind on the laundry again 🧺

: Went to Night Shift Brewery in Everett last night and had mac and cheese samplers for dinner 🍺

: Today is definitely Hump Day 🐪

: Apple product announcements today, hoping for a stand-alone monitor 🖥

: We signed up for the Peacock streaming service so that we could watch We Are Ladyparts and the …

: Pancakes for breakfast, donuts for lunch 🥞🍩


: The MST3K Season 13 premiere was a great disappointment. Low production values, technical …

: Trying to decide if I should cancel my Netflix subscription until the next season of The Witcher …

: Running through my tea supply pretty quickly 🫖

: Mushrooms, olives, red onion, chard, and feta 🍕

: Ready for spring 🌷

: Applying for summer dance camps in an act of entirely unwarranted optimism.

: This week I have to decide if I want to continue to work from home or start commuting to the …

: Went to Turtle Swamp Brewery last night to see some friends play Cajun music and had some gumbo and …

: Despite several inches of snow we made it to the concert by Le Concert des Nations last evening, a …

: Here comes the snow again ❄️

: Thinking about joining the 1Password exodus. I have 360 items in my database.

: I’ve been alternating episodes of Around the World in 80 Days (set in 1872) and The Gilded Age (set …

: Sausage, pepperoni, calamata olives, sautéed onions and garlic, roasted red bell pepper 🍕

: A couple of weeks ago I rewrote my parser from scratch, it is now much smaller, more recursive, and …

: Today is the Presidents’ Day holiday here in the States, traditionally dedicated to George …

: Home again, again 🏡

: Yesterday and today we saw two of the best concerts I have ever seen. On Friday, as part of the …


: This is brilliant: This Place Was Home.

: Quite a bit warmer today.

: There is an almost complete lack of dancing this week.

: I started listening to the audio book of Christopher Paolini’s novel To Sleep in a Sea of Stars and …

: Off to the dentist for a cleaning 🦷

: Yesterday it was warm and springlike, today it’s snowing.

: Home again 🏡

: Heading home today.

: One last trip to Stone Brewery

: One more day before heading home, time for another trip to the airport to stand in line.

: Wednesday is now waffle day.

: The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C. M. Waggoner 📚 I picked this book from a list of random fantasy novels on the library ebook search page before …

: Last week of vacation.

: Spent the day adding super- and sub-script support to my feed reader, as one does in order to …

: 26 years, a significant milestone for any coder.

: Hollenbeck Canyon Wildlife Area

: I may have bought too many empanadas.

: Stone Brewery

: We went to a very nice violin recital last evening.

: Sweetwater Summit Regional Park

: Finally made it to the pool this morning 🌊

: No snow.

: Currently enjoying the complete lack of snow.

: Arrived.

: Waiting to board the connecting flight.

: Waiting to board.

: Waiting for the ride to the airport.

: After three cancelled flights, tomorrow’s has not been cancelled, and we have boarding passes. Now …

: Off to the airport the day before our (three times) rescheduled flight in order to spend even more …

: Alternating digging out the car and waiting on hold with the airline.


: It’s snowing hard, and the wind is blowing the snow around after it lands, making it hard to …


: Waiting for the Nor’easter tomorrow.


: Sausage, roasted fennel, and mushrooms 🍕

: I am enjoying Around the World in 80 Days but I feel that they need more scenic vistas.

: Restarted the routers this morning, download speeds are back to full speed on the iPad.

: Still have not figured out why some devices are seeing slow download speeds, but I did get all of my …

: Fun with home networking; why is the iPad download speed 100 times slower than the laptop?

: Weekend at last, time to go shopping!

: Morning routine now includes the Encanto soundtrack, darn you LMM.

: Updated the DSM on the Synology.

: I’ve finally started watching the Jodie Whittaker episodes of Doctor Who and I think the most …

: Here we go again.

: Back to work.

: Oh, the dreadful wind and rain 🌬🌧

: Moving furniture this weekend.

: Turkey pepperoni, red onion, chard with a whole wheat crust 🍕

: Back in the icebox this weekend 🧊

: This has been a long week.

: Almost caught up with the Peter Capaldi episodes of Doctor Who. No spoilers, please!

: It was a little chilly yesterday 🥶

: What am I doing? Today marks my second anniversary on 2020: 219 posts, 38 pizzas, 8 books 2021: 459 …

: Black Helicopters by Caitlín R. Kiernan 📚 At long last I have read this companion piece to Agents of Dreamland from so long ago, although the …

: Mushrooms and kale 🍕

: The telescope is now fully unfolded 🛰

: Finally got all the backups working. I ended up reinstalling the OS on the media server, after which …

: Several inches of snow already and it’s still coming down 🌨

: Twelfth Night is past, the tree is undecorated and out on the curb, waiting for the first serious …

: The entropy of your Git repository is S = k ln W where W is the number of branches. And as everybody …


: Looking forward to the new season of Finding Your Roots which starts tonight.

: I did fix the drawer but ran into backup issues. Will make another attempt later this week, as I …

: Today I’m going to try and get copy backups in place. Also fix the silverware drawer.

: Starting the new year by going through all of my external storage drives and figuring out …

: Is it too early to start drinking? It’s 2022 somewhere…🍷

: Last day to fulfill this year’s New Year resolutions, but I’ve forgotten what they were.

: For a social introvert with severe pandemic anxiety perhaps a visit to the belly of the beast was …

: Off to the absolute worst place to go right now.


: Starting the post-holiday diet a bit early.

: Down to the last few days of a really bad year.

: Today: freezing rain, the White Witch of New England winters.

: The launch went very smoothly (knock on wood for the rest…) 🛰

: We didn’t quite get all the cleaning done, but close enough. We did go out for a lovely dinner, …

: Still negative this morning. On the other hand, the virus is greatly complicating our modest holiday …

: Exposure Late last evening I got my first Coronavirus exposure notification on my iPhone. This is the opt-in …

: Watching the single-season series Emerald City from a few years ago, it is very dark and very …

: The solstice at last; winter is here, but from this point on the days will start getting longer …

: Despite the cold we managed to host a small outside gathering, everybody tested negative before hand …

: Fire pit 1 Fire pit 2 (a bit smokey) Fire pit 3 Wassail in progress

: Sleet, snow, and rain — the three wise men of New England winters.

: Spinach with roasted garlic chicken sausage 🍕

: Starting to think about maybe doing some gift shopping.

: Unseasonably warm again yesterday, went for a long walk.

: Second antigen test: still negative.

: So far we seem to have avoided the virus despite three days of (double masked) air travel and a …

: This is a fascinating look at paper based security (via @cynixy on Twitter): …

: I vividly remember this short video from many, many years ago:…

: People seem to think that if you are fully vaccinated then you can’t get infected or be …

: One household has cancelled due to Covid exposure, which is good, but the chances of getting exposed …


: The one thing we should not do is travel across the county to attend a large family gathering. Yet …

: Just a light dusting of snow last night ❄️

: For some reason I now have Apple TV’s in three different rooms, and we use at least one every day, …

: The car is not yet in the garage, but we finally got the replacement parts and the fridge door is …

: Objective for today: get the car into the garage 🚘🏠

: New takeout place for dinner tonight.

: Here we go:…

: Red pepper and garlic sausage with sautéed onions 🍕


: Welcome Yule!

: Tree is set up in the living room, tonight we decorate 🌲

: Loft bed is gone, next up is getting the tree in.

: Today I need to disassemble the loft bed so we can get it out of the house.

: The fridge arrived yesterday, had to argue with the delivery service to get them to unpack it, and …

: Went to see Encanto in a theater, it was pleasant but not outstanding, but the design and animation …

: Another lovely concert yesterday, this time a couple of minor Telemann vocal pieces. The singing and …

: Yesterday was our annual kill-a-tree day, a bit early this year 🌲

: Back home 🏡

: Bunker Hill Monument Charlestown Marina Zakim Bridge

: Down by the harbor yesterday evening.

: Feeling a little run down this morning after getting a booster yesterday 🦠🚫

: Yesterday was definitely a Monday, lucky for us it’s a short week.

: We drove down to Woods Hole for a chamber music concert and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon.

: We lit a fire in the fireplace last night, first time this autumn 🔥

: Went to the (spacious and largely empty) brewpub for beer and chicken wings on a sunny but chilly …

: Yesterday was unseasonably warm, probably the last warm day this year.

: Sautéed fennel and sweet Italian sausage 🍕

: We went to see The French Dispatch last night, it is the most Wes Anderson of all Wes Anderson …

: Recycle day at last ♻️

: Still waiting for the new fridge. Is it really “tracking” if the status just reads “in transit?”

: Another concert yesterday evening, which was lovely; many kinds of renaissance wind instruments, …

: Golden hour all afternoon.

: Lots of rain and wind last night, then this morning a tree dropped a limb on a nearby power line, …


: Behind on the laundry, among other things 🧺

: And here’s another by Howard French in The Guardian which expands the discussion from American …

: Great overview by Jake Silverstein in the NY Times on how the 1619 Project is part of the continuing …

: Well at least I made it to dance practice yesterday.

: Sunset at 4 PM

: The worst part of the DST time change is having to get up at 2 AM to change all the clocks.

: Last evening we sat around the fire in the back yard with friends, it was cold and cozy at the same …

: Trees are amazing.

: Took a walk up to Lone Tree Hill yesterday.

: The leaves have turned and the temperatures have dropped, can winter be far behind?


: Election day 🗳

: Cake for breakfast 🍰

: Halloween 🎃

: Salami and spinach, in the new oven! 🍕

: Setting up a new laptop but not migrating from the old one. A lot of my data is cloud based but not …

: I’ve never been a make expert but I can sort of understand how it works. Now I have to learn cmake …

: Windy today 🍃

: Finally set up my home “office” back at the house and got some actual work done.

: Rain today 🌧

: Another short dance out yesterday on a beautiful fall day, followed by perhaps too much beer and …


: Went and visited my daughter today, she is doing well and was making soup. We brought donuts.

: I’m supposed to be cleaning and reorganizing but I took a nap instead.

: I went for a walk by the river.

: We got the new electric range installed today, it’s very nice, now we just need to figure out how it …

: Yesterday I walked down the street where I lived when I first moved to the area many years ago.

: Went to a concert, limited seating to keep social distance, fully masked at all times, proof of …

: Watched the launch on NASA TV this morning 🚀

: Still not done.


: Not getting things done.

: Unpacked my suitcase today.

: Slept in our own house last night, for the first time in six months.

: Went dancing this weekend as hoped, something which has been missing from my life this past two …



: Taking tomorrow off

: Disaster

: Dancing last night, perhaps the biggest thing I’ve missed during the ongoing emergency. More this …

: 🌘

: 🌗

: Another great article by Ed Yong in The Atlantic makes clear that the only way to prepare for the …

: 🌒

: ⚫️

: Argh again

: Argh

: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells 📚 Speaking of shorter books, here is the latest novella in the Murderbot Diaries, according to the …

: This experiment did not go well. Desperate measures. Edible but overcooked on the bottom. Chicken, …

: Smol snapper we met on the bike trail (note pine needles for scale):

: Interesting article by Jessica Nordell about the challenges of diversity in academic mathematics. …


: Very loud thunder-booms last night, it felt like the whole house was shaking.

: The only thing we’ve found which helps cope with our current stress is listening to the live album …

: Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace 📚 My new plan to get back into reading is to sample shorter works, which brings me to this title from …

: After updating to Safari 15 on the Mac the tab color option didn’t last more than one day before I …

: It’s the equinox but things are far from equilibrium.

: So far iOS 15 seems to be working fairly well.

: Downloading iOS 15, wish me luck.

: Another nice day.

: Went for a short walk on a long bridge.

: Moving day 3, last one for this week.

: Moving day 2 but not much actual moving.

: Here we go again, moving day 1.

: Oh good, another moving day coming up tomorrow.

: The size/feature combinations of the iPhones 12/13 Pro/mini don’t appeal to me, but Watch 7 looks …

: I’m going to watch the iPhone event today, but I am not going to buy a new iPhone. Or so I keep …

: Chicken sausage, sautéed onions, and fresh basil 🍕

: Back to work today, and I would prefer a day with no basement floods or flat tires please.

: Good news/bad news.

: Nothing scheduled today, I guess it’s time for laundry.

: The sun is out again today but we are not quite to the weekend yet☀️

: Rainy day 🌧

: Where has the summer gone?

: Moving day.

: Today would have been a wonderful day to be at camp, but alas it was not to be. Instead we are …

: Packing day tomorrow.

: A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher 📚 As you may have noticed, book reviews have been few and far between this summer, as I have simply …

: Up (2009) 🍿

: The long weekend is ahead but not quite here, plus it’s moving time again.

: Still doomscrolling.

: Fall is coming.

: I have been reading about at-home antigen tests and now I am worrying that my ragweed allergy …

: This looks interesting…

: It’s going to be a very long week.

: Not a great start to the weekend.

: Tme Bandits (1981) 🍿

: We are getting things done, but for every task we complete two more spring up.


: Fortunately the storm was weaker than feared, and we were outside the impacted area, this time. …

: Still not unpacked.

: Moved but not unpacked, plus big storm coming 🧳 ⛈

: Worried about the storm hitting New England tomorrow.

: Today is more Friday than usual.

: We have to pack up and move again this weekend, not looking forward to this.

: Olives and bell peppers, one with chicken sausage 🍕

: I got to the end of the Glass waiting list and set up an account, what are some good names to follow …

: It’s looking to be a tough week and it’s only Tuesday.

: never get involved in a land war in Asia — The Princess Bride by William Goldman

: Very worried about the climate change emergency.

: Too many things happening, but not the right things.

: Alas my schedule today will prevent me from attending most of the live sessions.

: Garlic margherita again 🍕

: Delta variant has forced cancellation of the end-of-summer getaway, and I’d guess more bad news is …

: Still not up to speed, and GitHub is having problems.

: Off to a slow start this week.

: Very worried about variants.

: Weekend at last.

: A return to summer weather today ☀️

: We are still going to restaurants but only when we can get an outside table. One improvement is …

: Off to the dentist for a cleaning today 🦷

: Finally caught up on my Twitter timeline, which has mostly been #Apollo50 the past few days.

: Moving day, chapter 3.

: Moving day, chapter 2.

: A short break

: Moving day, chapter 1.

: We went to see an outdoor performance of The Tempest last night, it was a lovely summer evening and …

: Big thunderstorms last night, with major road flooding in several places.

: Roasted artichokes (except for the middle one) 🍕

: Packing up again.

: Now playing two Patterned screens a day for stress relief.

: Not ready for the weekend, never mind next week.


: Playing Alto’s Odyssey: The Lost City from the start, it’s pretty much the same as the original but …

: Patio seating at bars and restaurants is great when it’s not raining.

: Chicken sausage and mushrooms 🍕

: Back to work, or something like it.

: Thunderstorms in the night ⛈

: Started to check out audio books from the library. So far the experience is not bad using the Libby …

: Slept in for a change but still suffering from sleep debt.

: Not enough sleep (again).

: Herb sausage with caramelized onions 🍕


: It’s going to be a long week.

: This summer is both going by too fast and taking forever to end.


: Once again too much rain ☔️

: Thunderstorms are keeping me awake ⛈⛈⛈

: Not enough wine 🍷

: Still not ready to quit Twitter, where I follow a bunch of astronauts and space probes, plus a …


: Happy Birthday USA 🇺🇸

: Lots of rain this weekend, wish we could send some out west 🌧

: At camp with 150 other fully vaxxed people.

: Half the year gone, where does the time go?

: Thunderstorms finally ⛈

: Hump day but with a short camel 🐪

: Hot Italian sausage and roasted bell peppers 🍕

: smol boi

: Slow start to a busy week.

: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke 📚 This novel is both much lighter than the author’s earlier Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell while at …

: It has been a long week, but we finally made it to the weekend ☁️



: Turkey pepperoni, roasted bell pepper and roasted onions 🍕

: Nice day 🌞

: Too many parentheses.

: Another trip to the auto shop today 🚗

: Finally returned that overdue library book.

: Unity by Elly Bangs 📚 As I have noted several times that current circumstances make it difficult for me to sit down and …


: Integration Test Email #1 This template is used by integration tests only.

: It has been a week.


: Took the bus today, first time in a while. I still have money on my fare card from two years ago 🚌




: Rain this morning 🌧

: SwiftUI attributed strings I’ve been working on a pure SwiftUI feed reader which uses Text elements for most of the …

: Last day before returning to town.

: Still pretty busy, haven’t even downloaded Xcode 13 until now.

: Less rain than expected so far.

: View from lunch.

: Trying to get caught up, despite the busy schedule we did manage to fit in a swim in a pond …

: Too much going on today.

: It seems that New England has moved to the tropics while we were out of town.

: Achieved the goal of swimming every day, but came one G&T short of finishing the gin. Homeward …


: Time to pack for the return trip.

: Today I learned that posts are ordered by date, not post ID, and that post ID can be out of order.

: The vacation can’t end until we finish the gin.

: Next week seems to be WWDC and BEMF.

: We are well into the last week of our vacation.

: I think these are white tailed kites, we didn’t have the binoculars to be sure.

: Crows have been using small rocks on the path to break snail shells, I saw several similar tableaus …

: It’s a lovely morning in the village, and you are a windup goose.

: Torrey Pines State Nature Reserve


: Setting up a GitHub account was easy, now I have to set up two-factor authentication, personal …

: Today I finally set up a personal GitHub account.

: Cabrillo National Monument


: Borrego Springs


: Dealing with NSAttributedString has always been too complicated.




: Sweetwater Regional Park Trail

: New vacation goal: go swimming every day.

: My plan is for this to be a non-work coding vacation, and maybe even get some reading in. Instead …

: Mostly packed, off we go.

: Still not packed.

: Today: actual packing. Also moving stuff from one room to another.

: Time to update my packing list.

: Compost bin moved, finally.


: Busy day today.

: Broccoli florets and crushed fresh garlic 🍕

: Old shoes New shoes

: I need new shoes.

: Today I’m going to move the compost bin.

: I returned the books I wasn’t reading to the library…and a book request I made weeks ago is …

: Today our summer construction project kicks off, probably not the best time but here we are.

: Just not able to sit down and read a book, time to return the ones I’m not reading to the …

: Closing in on the basement reorg.

: Too much all at once.

: Getting together with friends this weekend, it has been a very long time.

: Happy Mayday!

: Fun with AirTags

: Today I have a day off work, most of which is going to be used cleaning the basement.

: Dentist 🦷

: Not enough sleep.

: Today I finally made the decision to cancel my Hey account. I have never liked their mail clients, …

: Still waiting for iOS 14.5 to be released, maybe it will happen today or tomorrow?

: Rain today 🌧


: Roasted fennel and sausage 🍕

: Earth Day 🌎

: Too much going on this week. I need a vacation.

: iOS 14.5 is coming next week (I’d guess Tuesday).

: Apple product announcements today!


: Watching the helicopter data download livestream 🚁

: The pollen forecast for tomorrow is “High.”

: I realized that the UPS was reporting a power loss when I printed something. The printer is on the …

: Turkey sausage and fresh cherry tomatoes 🍕

: This is a good first step, but what we really need is total nuclear disarmament. …

: Still not sure when I should file my taxes.

: Apple is holding a product announcement next week, which I hope means that iOS 14.5 will be released …

: Yet another article, this by Adam Jentleson in The Atlantic, explains why we must abolish or curtail …

: I’ve continued to take long walks during the day but now that means more pollen exposure, and …

: Here we are in April.

: Time to get the bikes out 🚲

: Up way too early again today.

: I’m starting to think it’s time to cancel my LinkedIn account.

: I’m waiting impatiently for iOS 4.5 to release, if it doesn’t happen soon I’m …

: Variants seem to be driving the growth in cases:

: 100 streaming services and nothing’s on. Also channel flipping is much harder now.

: Spring and early summer events are going virtual again this year. Community spread continues to …

: The oven has once again decided it just can’t be bothered. Worked fine the evening before and …

: This is our second pandemic Easter, with no dancing, no feast, and no Peabody’s Punch.

: Hot sausage and red peppers on top 🍕

: The willows are sprouting.

: What is it?

: Spring in New England, down to freezing last night.

: More shopping today, but by appointment and in an empty store.

: I am also not in the mood for April Fools.

: I’m trying to write a new app using SwiftUI and running up against edge cases. I need to …

: Perhaps it’s time to buy a new car.

: Today’s expedition: get the car to the shop. 🚙

: Less pollen today under a chilly grey sky.

: Turkey pepperoni this time. 🍕

: Feedly seems to be stuck in “scheduled maintenance” today.

: It’s definitely spring here in New England, trees are starting to release significant amounts …

: More and more places are accepting contactless payments of all types.

: Rainy day, listening to the raindrops falling on the driveway outside the window.

: Everything is more complicated than it needs to be, I am trying to bring more simplification into my …

: I went for a walk.

: Still have not resolved the share extension problem, perhaps because I spent the evening in the …

: Trying to figure out why some iOS share extensions are not working. In particular Sunlit is not …


: Next up: spring cleaning.

: Green peppers (not roasted this time), shiitake mushrooms, and red wine and garlic salami 🍕

: The Equinox is finally here.

: Day off today.

: Spring is almost here, and finally mass vaccination, but the virus is still with us at a much higher …

: For some reason the Reeder app on all of my devices suddenly stopped fetching data from Feedly, so …

: I am still recovering from the time shift to DST.

: It’s the Ides and March is back to being more lion than lamb. 🌬❄️

: Turkey sausage and roasted green peppers for Pi Day 🍕

: 𝛑

: Here comes spring!

: Our Declaration by Danielle Allen 📚 I have been reading this book on an off for a while, mainly because it is organized into many short …

: A nice summary in The Atlantic by Ronald Brownstein arguing that voting rights should be the major …

: Finally, we need to greatly improve social equity, removing barriers which suppress and impoverish, …

: I am not alone in my opinion on the filibuster…

: After voting rights, the second major issue we all face is the climate crisis. We need to enact the …

: First up, the new voting rights act is desperately needed to block the numerous suppression efforts …

: In current US politics you can’t be for voting rights, climate action, and social equity while …

: Monday blues again…

: Another wasted hour arguing with the Plex server about metadata.

: Too much brunch today.

: I’m trying to keep on top of things by checking my to-do list every morning, but so far this …

: There seems to be a problem with my posts not appearing in the feed. They are showing up …

: I really miss going out to a movie.

: Sausage and sun-dried tomatoes 🍕

: March continues to be a lion this week.

: I’m more than ready for spring to arrive, impatient for warmer weather, leaves and flowers, …

: Defiance

: Privacy

: Light

: Up

: Pompasetting

: Favourite

: Roasted fennel and prosciutto 🍕

: Code

: Baby

: Banana

: Spell

: Colors

: Weather

: Alive

: At home

: Still

: The Liar’s Dictionary by Eley Williams 📚 It has been difficult for me to read new fiction these days, but this brief novel proved to be a …

: Erudite

: Reflection

: Compassion

: When you look up hypocrisy in the dictionary there should be a picture of Mitch McConnell.

: Mushrooms roasted with rosemary and garlic 🍕

: Make

: Sporg

: Machine

: Energy

: Muddy

: Today is National Pizza Day 🍕

: Hope

: I think the only hope for conviction in the Senate would be if the political donor class makes it …

: Garlic and oregano 🍕

: Craving

: I got a warning from my bank that “scammers are targeting customers like you.” I guess I …

: The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack 📚 It has come to this, I’m trying to read nonfiction in the hope that it will be engaging enough to …

: Sport

: Pets

: FORTRAN -> C -> C++ -> Java -> Objective C -> C++ -> Ruby -> Java -> …

: Layers

: I am now of the opinion that February is the cruelest month.

: Comfort

: We had snow, rain and clouds today, so any groundhogs out and about would not have seen their …

: Morning beverage

: Close up

: Waiting for the Nor’easter to arrive…

: I’ve been waiting for a Big Sur compatible update to Dave Nanian’s excellent disk …

: Last night I woke up from a dream about being back in the office. I think that this was a hopeful …

: Sausage and green onions 🍕

: It’s finally time to start work on the 2020 taxes. The regressive and complicated system here …


: Last night the new UPS reported a short power outage but I don’t see anything else in the …

: The Arctic Vortex is showing up this weekend.

: A little snow today.

: It feels like the mid winter blues are really settling in.

: Today I wore a shirt with buttons!

: Back to work (again). But first a visit to the dentist.

: Somehow I didn’t manage to get all of the laundry done yesterday. Perhaps today?

: Home again, now to catch up on the laundry.





: 🇺🇸



: I’m taking the rest of the week off to worry and fret relax and recharge.

: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of …

: Sausage, roasted red peppers, and sun dried tomatoes 🍕

: If we want to live on this planet it is important that we not destroy it. …

: My first year on Speaking of anniversaries, last week marks one year since I started posting here on …

: I’ve been digitizing some old cassettes and splitting the tracks using Rogue Amoeba’s …

: 🌧☔️💦

: Took a long walk between rainstorms.

: No walk yesterday due to rain.

: Some good news at last, but also more bad news.

: The House has finally done its job, now the Senate must do the same.

: Not a great week so far.

: Looking forward to Disenchantment Part 3 on Friday. Not looking forward to right wing militias …

: Excellent essay about the need for real change by Ibram X. Kendi in The Atlantic: …

: After a nice weekend it’s back to work again…

: Underground at Ink Block

: Prosciutto, roasted green pepper, and red onion 🍕

: I strongly endorse this opinion piece by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post: …

: Ban all the Nazis!

: The President has not resigned and the Cabinet has failed to do their duty, so it’s down to …

: The President should resign. If he does not, the Cabinet should remove him from office. If they do …

: Well this has been a day.

: This editorial in the New York Times makes an important point: even though the current attempt to …

: I expect recounts but the news from Georgia is good. Today we need a majority in Congress to honor …

: Taking the car in for service today 🚗


: OK back to work!

: Attempting to throw out the certified results of a legitimate election is a violation of the oath to …

: New profile picture?

: Potato, egg, and sausage calzone 🍕

: Arlington Great Meadows

: Two more days on holiday and then back to work.

: So far I’ve managed to post at least once every day this year!

: Happy New Year

: The day is finally here, only a few more hours left before 2020 ends in all time zones. Then we only …

: Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots 📚 It has been difficult for me to sit down and read a book lately, despite reading being the best way …

: How could I forget the Oxford Comma?

: Last pizza of the year, spinach, sausage, and mushrooms 🍕

: Welcome Yule!

: Olives and onions 🍕

: Big pepperoni 🍕

: Margherita again 🍕

: Always be suspicious of conclusions that reinforce uncritical hope and follow comforting traditions …

: Spinach and sausage again 🍕

: No one else looks out upon the world so kindly and charitably as the pedestrian; no one else gives …

: Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they …

: but bein alive & bein a woman & bein colored is a metaphysical dilemma i havent conquered …

: It was wearying, trying to adjust to all the paces life required. — Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

: Opening lines I’ve been taking part in Microblogvember by posting a daily quote which includes the prompt word, …

: Call me Ishmael. — Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville

: The first years of man must make provision for the last. — The History of Rasselas, Prince of …

: Nice sunset + no more leaves.

: To represent something symbolically, as we do when we speak or write, is somehow to capture it, thus …

: Wonderful piece by Clint Smith at The Atlantic:…

: The border is a line that birds cannot see. — “The Border: A Double Sonnet” by Alberto Rios

: Another nice day at the river.

: O, Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? — “Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Bysshe …

: Chicken and pesto 🍕

: Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither …

: A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. — …

: And whereas sense and memory are but knowledge of fact, which is a thing past and irrevocable, …

: I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. …

: The memory of a particular image is but regret for a particular moment. — In Search of Lost Time by …

: Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live… — “The Jumblies” by Edward Lear

: I cannot seriously believe in it because the theory cannot be reconciled with the idea that physics …

: Onions and prociutto 🍕

: I never guess. It is a shocking habit — destructive to the logical faculty. — The Sign of Four by …

: No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, …

: Say it loud! I’m black and I’m proud — “Say It Loud — I’m Black and I’m …

: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly …


: Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except …

: One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. — The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. …

: Charles River


: Data visualization matters:

: I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery — air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, …

: Spinach and sausage 🍕

: How puzzling all these changes are! I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another. …

: Tree


: But stoops to conquer, and but kneels to rise. — Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield, …

: Still waiting.

: The end is near. I hear a noise at the door, as of some immense slippery body lumbering against it. …

: Polls are closing; now the waiting begins.

: Polls are open.

: GOWER Enough, Captain. You have astonished him. — Henry V Act 5 Scene 1 by William Shakespeare

: Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength. — The Art of War by Sun Tzu

: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary… — “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

: Before After 🍕

: So we got a little snow.

: Herring River estuary on a rainy day.

: Herring River and another forest path.

: Forest paths.

: This is what I’ve been thinking the past four years: New York Times

: Back on the Cape.

: Broccoli and sausage, before and after. 🍕

: Since I’ve already cast my vote I don’t feel the need to watch or even pay attention to the …

: Waiting impatiently for the first public release of photos from OSIRIS-REx touch-and-go asteroid …

: New avatar!


: Turkey pepperoni on top this week. 🍕

: Should I start cross-posting to Twitter? Assuming that it starts working again…

: Twitter is down and I’m anxious I’m going to miss something! Send help.


: My ballot has been “accepted” which means that it’s in the system and will be …

: Rainbow adirondack chairs in Belmont, MA, 5:30 PM EDT (UTC-4) for A Day in the Life. Sharing …


: There is a drop box outside town hall, ballot has been delivered!

: Alas I can’t deliver my ballot today (Monday) as town hall is closed for “Columbus …

: Ballot arrived! I have voted, but now I need to wait until Monday to drop it off.

: According to the state’s election site my ballot is on its way. As soon as I fill it out I’m going …

: If it’s Friday it must be PIZZA! 🍕

: Anxiously waiting for my ballot to arrive in the mail. The sad part is that it hasn’t even been …


: Season 1 Finales 📺 I didn’t expect the first season of Raised by Wolves to end well for the characters, but I was not …

: Chicken meatballs, roasted green peppers and red onions 🍕

: Yes it’s definitely fall

: I’ve been watching Raised by Wolves (HBO Max) and Ted Lasso (Apple TV+); both are dropping their …

: More fall colors

: Pizzas again 🍕

: Fall is here

: Agents of Dreamland by Caitlin R. Kiernan 📚 I feel as though I had already read this slim novella, and I can’t be certain that I haven’t, even …

: Life goes on, most pretty pizza so far. 🍕

: RBG oh no



: Lamb sausage, kale, feta, and fresh orange tomatoes. 🍕

: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir 📚 It’s hard to discuss this book without spoilers, but I will do my best. The story revolves around …

: So I bought a small Synology NAS and put in several SATA hard drives which were gathering dust. I’m …

: Last pizza before Labor Day, mushrooms and turkey bacon 🍕

: Lovely sunset again #mbaug 31

: Discovery #mbaug 30

: Flakes every morning #mbaug 29

: Emotions at the end of the day #mbaug 28

: Overcome racism #mbaug 27

: Relentless pursuit of pizza #mbaug 26 🍕

: Hope #mbaug 25

: Or What You Will by Jo Walton 📚 “You already know the plot of Twelfth Night, right?” asks the narrator of this strange, dream-like, …

: Frosty Hefeweizen #mbaug 24

: Graceful fog on little cat feet #mbaug 23

: Home away from home #mbaug 22

: Crunch #mbaug 21

: Thursday pizza, artichoke hearts and prosciutto 🍕

: Change is coming #mbaug 20

: Another nice sunset

: Ribbons #mbaug 19

: Grid #mbaug 18

: The mail-in ballot for the primary finally arrived today, and I filled it out immediately and took …

: Cuddly #mbaug 17

: Stationary boats #mbaug 16

: Silhouette #mbaug 15

: Green bell peppers and turkey sausage 🍕

: Among the geese #mbaug 14

: Filter to black-and-white #mbaug 13

: Sound of wind in the trees #mbaug 12

: I have no problem supporting a Harris-Biden ticket.

: Transportation #mbaug 11

: Windows #mbaug 10

: Black-and-white coffee-and-ice #mbaug 9

: 88 Names by Matt Ruff 📚 I read the author’s Lovecraft Country some time ago (and the HBO series based on that novel starts …

: View #mbaug 8

: Network Effect by Martha Wells 📚 If you are a follower of the Murderbot Diaries then you have already read the latest addition to the …

: Pizza is on Friday this week; I blame global warming. 🍕

: Daytripping to a different (better?) world #mbaug 7

: Bisect #mbaug 6

: Flowing water #mbaug 5

: Peaceful #mbaug 4

: This article by Ed Yong in The Atlantic is a hard look at the many unforced errors in the US …

: Bugs #mbaug 3

: Floating #mbaug 2

: Up? #mbaug 1

: What is it?

: If Trump is not ready to face the electorate, he should resign now.

: Mushrooms Pizza on Thursday, one with mushrooms and one without. 🍕

: Brook

: River

: Train station

: Sunset

: Today I went for a short hike.

: 3 pizzas 3 🍕

: I was struck by this short essay by Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. in The Atlantic, and in particular the …

: I’ve been seeing this a lot lately, and I don’t know what it means: what makes a mess “hot?”

: 🥨🥨🥨

: I really enjoyed watching Prehistoric Road Trip on PBS, it offered a winning combination of fossils, …

: Roasted bell peppers and pancetta. 🍕

: Cross posted on Facebook This is my last post on Facebook. I have moved my social networking blog to another service and will …

: I found this article by Isabel Wilkerson in the Times Magazine to be interesting and thought …

: Also it is vitally important that all citizens vote this fall, up and down the ticket.

: Happy birthday USA, wear a mask, Black lives matter, let freedom ring, with liberty and justice for …

: Chicken and spinach sausage, one a bit crispy. 🍕

: Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary

: Robert Hills Conservation Area

: I got to drive a car with radar cruise control and it was great! Having the system take care of …

: Margherita on the porch (third pizza still in the oven). 🍕

: I’m a little worried that celebrating Father’s Day might be seen as an expression of …

: Happy Solstice!

: Sausage and broccoli rabe. 🍕

: Cleaning out the basement, V.32 bis and V.34X Plus.

: Crudo 🍕

: The Special. 🍕

: Barbecue chicken pizza this week, using leftover Blue Ribbon sweet sauce. 🍕

: What is it?

: Turkey pepperoni and kalamata olives. 🍕

: Artichoke and sausage a day early. 🍕

: The Clone Wars are over, I’m glad to be rid of Maul but I’m going to miss Ahsoka.

: I blame the Barolo.

: Made broccoli and potato pizza and forgot to take a picture.

: OK spring is here.

: What is it?

: Wanderers by Chuck Wendig 📚 Spoiler alert, this is perhaps not a book one should read during the present emergency, as major …

: Happy Mayday

: We’ve been watching the free NT Live archive performances on YouTube each week, but the next two are …

: Calzone this week. 🍕

: I’ve been thinking I was wasting my money on the Apple Arcade subscription, but last week I …

: Broke down today and started the 14-day trial subscription to the Criterion Channel. By the time …

: Remarkable abstract decorations around the edges.

: Mood

: Everything is falling apart.

: The willows are leafing out.

: Pizza night again. 🍕

: Socially distant daffodils.

: Last of the cherry blossoms.

: Today I canceled Mayday.

: Monday is now pizza day. 🍕

: Elizabeth Warren may no longer be running for president, but she is continuing to put her energy …

: It may be snowing outside but at least we have pizza. 🍕

: Spring in New England may be cold and wet but at least the daffodils are up.

: Social distancing Friday: went to the supermarket for potato chips (ruffles) and batteries (AA and …

: Social distancing project today: getting the inspection sticker for the car.

: Social distancing project today was (finally!) replacing the broken toilet seat.

: 🍕

: Social distancing for today: I’m no @danielpunkass but I’m working on my technique.

: First social distancing project: connected all ethernet capable devices in the TV cabinet via wire …

: Elizabeth Warren did her best to save the country, but sadly the country has decided that it does …

: I took advantage of early primary voting today to get the jump on Super Tuesday.

: Castillo de San Marcos

: Many years ago, in a presidential primary, I actually did vote for Joe Biden. But this year, on …

: The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez 📚 This first novel is a story of far future travel, found families, love, and loss. Although set on an …

: Hot chocolate at Burdick’s

: Anyone can wear the mask.…

: The Last Skywalker 🎥 There has been much discussion about the merits and failings of The Rise of Skywalker, and in …

: I have too many passwords for too many accounts. Even with a password manager I’m not keeping track …

: Trying out the NetNewsWire 5 beta for the first time.

: “When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than …

: Today I have been reading some MLK:… …

: Cambridge 1 is closed for good.

: I have yet to see any mention in the press of how wrong it is to hold any sort of pro-gun rally on …

: Back home again, just in time for some seasonable temperatures and maybe even snow.

: Last day in California before returning to New England. No swimming again because they are …

: So after many months of not dealing with WordPress I have finally given up and decided to let …

: Dictionary Hill

: Mother Miguel Mountain