Canceled my Amazon Photos subscription and deleted all of the photos and videos from the service, for the moment I am down to just three backups of my photo collection.

Went to see Megalopolis yesterday, it is a simply awful film and close to unwatchable. Avoid at all costs.

Trying the new version of Reeder, which is much closer to Iconfactory’s Tapestry app in concept and functionality than it is to the old “Classic Reeder” I’ve been using for so long.

And it works! I can now read a “universal timeline” combining my, Mastodon, and Bluesky timelines on my iPhone, iPad, and even my Mac. I was getting an OAuth error from at first, but after signing in on the web and retrying in the app it’s now up and running.

Wrote to my Congressional members and thanked them for endorsing Kamala Harris, I wanted them to know they have my full support.